Multi-stage Fund

ISAV is a balanced approach to growing Iowa-based companies through multiple phases of their growth, including:

  • Early stage startups: pre- or early-revenue companies just getting started
  • Rapidly growing, young companies with demonstrable marketplace traction, scaling up
  • Expansion and later stage companies of any age with plausible exit in view


Check sizes range from $25k to $1 million, commensurate with the stage and potential of the business.

Industry Sectors

ISAV is focused on Iowa's key industry sectors with world-class mentors and industry-leading corporate partners.

  • Biotechnology, healthcare, and medical technologies
  • Education technologies
  • Engineering and automation technologies
  • Agriculture, food, and bio-processing
  • Insurance & finance technologies
  • Transportation & logistics technologies

Full-time, professional management

General Partner Eric Engelmann, founded and grew Geonetric in Cedar Rapids from 1999 until 2015. An experienced angel investor, Eric has invested in more than 40 companies through Iowa Startup Accelerator Fund I and actively mentors many of our region's entrepreneurs.

Director of Operations Erin Myrent, with extensive experience in contracts and corporate governance matters, leads ISAV's backoffice operations. She is supported by Drew Larson of BrownWinick.

Director of Investor Relations Kevin Bradley, formerly Investment Analyst at Riverbend Angels and Assistant Vice President at Blackhawk Bank & Trust.

24/7 online access: Fund information is available to limited partner investors online 24/7, providing easy access to every investment made and all fund documents, including K1s.

Advisory Team

The full-time staff is advised by a small group of advisors, including:

Steve Gray of Gray Venture Partners, a highly experienced global investor in numerous companies

Cammie Greif, co-founder of TaxAct and mentor-in-residence at Iowa Startup Accelerator from 2014-2019.

Bruce Lehrman, founder of Involta

Pankaj Monga, President/CEO at Channel Fusion

Nate Kaeding, Angel Investor

ISAV Investors

Fund Size: More than 100 investors are Limited Partners in ISA Ventures' $22M fund.

Diversification: The Fund expects to invest in about 100 companies from 2020-2024, across a variety of industry sectors; companies will range from early stage startups to mature, expanding companies.

Iowa-based portfolio: All companies that receive investment from ISAV will be required to maintain principal operations in the state of Iowa.

Iowa Innovation Fund Tax Credits: limited partner investors may receive substantial tax benefits through the Iowa Innovation Fund program.

Follow-on Opportunities: ISAV Limited Partner investors will have the first opportunity to invest more in portfolio companies as sidecar investments.